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Habitat Watcher Foundation

Our History
Mr. Fu Liu刘赋、Ms. Xiaoling Cao曹筱玲女士、Ms. Yingcui Cai蔡英萃女士以及Mr. Simba Qiang Zhuo星巴先生于2014年在加州发起成立了栖息地守望者基金会HWF,希望集合更多志同道合的朋友一起通过无国界合作的方式来保护野生动物的自然栖息地。自成立以来,HWF持续通过资金捐赠和技术支持来推动肯尼亚马赛马拉地区的野生动物保护事业,包括栖息地保护、解决人兽冲突、野生动物救助、扶助社区教育和体育、扶助妇女就业、出版野保杂志领域;同时,HWF还在北美积极开展野生动物保护理念推广活动,包括在哈佛大学、麻省理工大学、南加大、佛蒙特大学、加州大学洛杉矶分校、谷歌总部举办的野保主题讲座,在侨报、南加大中美论坛、洛杉矶中文广播、加州人工智能大会、南加州环保协会做专题演讲或新闻采访。每年都会招募志愿者到肯尼亚来执行野保任务,从2015—2019年连续5年共计76位,其中70%以上的是青少年,主要是高中生,他们在肯尼亚增长了见识,提升了格局,培养了学术研究和活动组织能力,强化了野外生存能力,回到学校后的学习大大受益于基于全球责任感的行动目标,成为受美国各大名校特别欢迎的优秀学生。

Mr. Fu Liu, Ms. Xiaoling Cao, Ms. Yingcui Cai, and Mr. Qiang Zhuo (known as Simba) initiated the establishment of the Habitat Watcher Foundation (HWF) in California in 2014, hoping to gather more people with similar interests to protect the natural habitats of wild animals through borderless cooperation. Since its establishment, HWF has committed to promoting wildlife protection in Maasai Mara of Kenya through fund donation and technical support, including habitat protection, settlement of human-wildlife conflicts, wildlife rescue, community education and sports, employment of women, and publication of wildlife protection magazine; HWF has been focusing on awareness campaign for wildlife conservation in North America, including lectures on wildlife protection held at Harvard University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Southern California, University of Vermont, University of California, Los Angeles, University of Southern California, Google headquarters, and special speeches or media interviews at overseas Chinese news, Southern California China-US forum, Los Angeles Chinese radio, California Artificial Intelligence Conference, and Southern California Environmental Protection Association. Every year, volunteers are recruited to Kenya to carry out wild protection tasks. From 2015 to 2019, there were 76 volunteers in total, of which more than 70% are teenagers, mainly high school students. They have increased their knowledge, improved their vision, cultivated their academic research and activity organization ability, and strengthened their ability to survive in the wild. After returning to school, they greatly benefited from the action goals based on the global sense of responsibility, became excellent students who are especially welcomed by leading American colleges.
Our Mission
To protect and restore wildlife habitat around the world through borderless cooperation 致力于通过跨国界的合作来保护和恢复野生动物栖息地.
Our Vision
A beautiful biodiversity-based new world where human and wildlife co-exist in harmony

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